Monday 12 September 2011

Injector Circuit

For this assignment we were given this diagram 

according Motorola Datasheet current gain on BC547 transistors is 110 to 800
Voltage = 12V
choosing proper resistors for LEDs:
ILED = 30mA
VLED = 1.8V

RLED = (VSupply - VLED) / ILED

RLED = (12-1.8)/0.03= 340 Ohms
So I would use two 330R resistors for R14 and R15


R=(5V-0.7V)/0.00023A=18695.65 Ohms

so I choose to use 15K resistors for R13 and R16

Parts List:
BC547 transistor x 2
Green LED x 1
Red LED x 1
330R resistor x 2
15K resistor x 2
PC board 

Lochmaster Diagram
